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What MY HeaRT SaY Rite NoW....

stop????never...why????cant think a reason......haha

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

KenaPa PerlU Maki?????

Sape yg xmarah kalu agama sndiri kene hina???

Semua marah an???

Ak pn marah sngat2….

Sbb kesucian agama Islam yg ak cintai d noda….

Mmg xpatut dye 2 buat cam 2…

Suka2 je nk menghina agama Islam…

Ape yg dye bnci tentang Islam pn ak xtau..

Tp yg pasti…

Dye ngaku dye beragama Islam…

Pening plak ak ble dye ngaku cam 2…


P mkin ak baca..

Len plak yg ak pkey…

Sbb bnyak komen yg xmenunjukkn langsung indah nya Islam 2….

Ramai yg duk caci,maki n kutuk2 mak cik 2…

Xramai yg bg nasihat btol2….

Mgkin org ckap…

Marah r ble org ckap cam 2 tentang agama Islam….

P org 2 xsdar bhwa ble kte duk caci n maki org yg cam 2…

Dengan sndiri Islam 2 tercemar sbb kita….

Bkn sbb ape yg mak cik 2 tulis…

Sbb Islam nie indah….

Xpernah pn Islam mngajar kita tuk maki n caci seseorang….

Sedangkn Nabi Muhammad S.W.T pn berbuat bek dengan org yg selalu maki dye….

Baginda suapkn makanan kat org 2 lagi….

2 bru betol indah nya Islam….

Diorang mgkin kata..

Baginda n kita mana sama….

Tp bg ak…

Bkn ke Baginda tu contoh buat kita…

Kenapa xnk ikut ape yg Baginda buat???

Walau mcm mana pn org hina agama Islam…

Jangan la kita p hina org 2 balik….

Nasihat elok2 kn lebih bgus…

Scara xlangsung…

Kta bawa imej yg menunjukkn Islam 2 indah….

Makin kita p hina or caci org macam 2…

Makin la dye syok nk buat lagi…

Ntah la…..

Ak pn xtau nk kata ape…

Ak hnya mmapu berdoa spya mak cik n org yg maki mak cik 2 insaf…

2 je ak mampu…

p/s: makin kita layan..makin la dye seronok nk provoke…org cam nie jgn d layan….biar je dye sorang2…klu xde yg nk layan…xde nyer dye nk buat lagi…

Monday, May 23, 2011

iN tHE EnD...


I have been waiting 4 It since the time that I wake up….

Coz I really hope that it will come…

Even 4 a second…


I really miz the sound…

Really miz the smell….

N really miz the time when it touch my skin…


The sound of it just like a music 4 me….

The smell of it just like the perfume 4 me….

N the time it touch my bare skin it make me wanna dance rite away….

But I have been waiting 4 a day long…

N the day has end….

Still it doesn’t come…

But there is still tomorrow…

N I hope I can smell,hear n feel it…….


Sunday, May 22, 2011

aPPly oNlY 4 ME.....

I used to wonder…….

What have I done in my life 4 me before….

N what will I do 4 me next….

coz i'm always think of the consequence...

But again…..

It is something that I used to do….

Not now…

Coz now…

I’ not gonna wasting my time to wondering about what have I done 4 me before……

Or what will I do next in my life 4 me….

Coz now…

I’m only gonna enjoy what have I done 4 my self……

N what will I done 2 my self….


Consequence is not my priority anymore….

What important 4 me…..

That I enjoy everything that I do…..

But it only apply 4 the matter that concern only me…

Not including any other people….

Just enjoy what u have done or will done….if u found it is wrong…...just don’t repeat it…n if it is right…u wont regret it..

doNT caRE leSS....


I feel the pain…..


But still…

I never wanna stop doing it……

Even its killing me…..

Mybe I’m stupid or a moron…….

But it my choice of living…..

N no one can change what I wanna do n how I gonna live my life…..


I’m only follow what my heart told me……

Eventhe heart is not placed at the right…..

But most of the time it always right…..

Saturday, May 21, 2011

1st TYme AccIDenT....

Ak ingatkn 1st week LI kne lepak2 je…..

Rpe2 nyer da kne wat keje…..

P best gak…..

Yg xbest sbb ak wat sorang2….

Mmg lme la nk siap keje ak 2……


Ar 2…

Tngah2 buat keje ak 2….

Tngah2 syok…..


Ak kne hempap ngan besi…


Pening kejap kepala ak nie…..

Seb bek x berdarah je……


Just bengkak sket….

Ntah cam ne la bleh jatuh atas kepala ak 2……

Da r berat gak besi 2….


Pas kne 2…

Mcam2 ad lam kepala….

Ngan pening…….

Ngan takut pecah kepala…

N so on la…

P lpas 5 minit bru ok….

Just bengkak je….

Seb bek rmbut ak nie pnjang…..

Xr nmpak bengkak 2…..


Klu x,da macam pe da kepala ak nie….


Next week nk smbung wat bnda alah 2 ag….

Part sush da abes…

Tnggal nk part yg agak senang je….



Kalu ak nyer rambut x panjang….mungkin cm nie kepala ak jd cm nie ot….haha

ak SukA....

Setelah 2 mggu xad tenet……

Sbb sepadu tngah nk refresh dia pnye tenet 2 mggu lepas…..

Akhir nya…

Ak bleh kembali beraksi di gelanggang blog nie…..


*macam korunk kesah je ak on9 ke x an??haha

Mggu lepas sempat gak ak blik umah berehat…..

N it really make me feel peacefull…..

Even perasaan yg ke****an ak da dekat 2 msih xilang sapa skunk…..

Ak pn xtau nape…..


Klu 2 mggu lepas ak asyik pkey je psal 2…..

P skunk….

Ak da xpkey lg…..


Selagi itu x terjadi…

Selagi itu ak akn terus menikmati hidup……


Tp ble ak on9 je td……


Ak rse xleh nk brnfas ngan betol…..



Ak xkesh pn even klu ak stop bernafas tyme on9….



Ngan beron9 la ak bleh buat 1 bnda yg ak ske n nak…..

Sbb bnda 2 sngat bernilai bg ak…..

Even bnda 2 yg buat ak rse sesak nafas nie…..


N now…

Ble ak cite nie….

It getting worst…


Klu yg knal ak…

Korunk tau la npe ak rse xleh nk brnafas ngan betol nie…..

Yg betol2 knal ak je la…


Mkin ak nk cite….

makin ak rse sesak nafas……..

men pn x rse cm nie…


nk rehat dlu….

Sblom jd pape yg lagi teruk…



Even it make me hard 2 breathe…but I like 2 do it…that’s why I still doing it…

p/s: ble ak buat bnda 2….ak rse cm org gila je….tp nk wat cm ne…da hati ak nk sngat buat…..so kne la trima kesan even it make me hard to breathe…..haha


Even only a few drops……

But still….

It make me feel so warm inside……


I can heard the music of the rain…..

It always make me feel warm inside…..

Even when I feel so cold inside me…..

It always make me smile…..

Even when I feel so sad or lost…

It always make my time stop……

Even when i don’t want it…..

n most of all….

It just reflecting what I feel inside me rite now….

It replace my tears….

My sadness…..

My coldness…

n I hope…..

I can run in the rain again……

So that…

No one know what I’m doing actually……

Wish it will always raining……


Ar nie abes 1 mggu ak ber-LI….n mmg ak xsangka…mmg best ber-LI kt lab AUTO nie….haha…

Bnyk sebab2 yg buat ak kate cam 2…..haha…

Sebab pertama……

SV ak sngat2 bek n sporting….haha…..

1st day da bnyk yg ye terang kt ak….n bg kelonggaran gle kt ak nie….mmg best r….siap leh suh ak pilih ak nk blajar ape tyme LI nie…haha..n ar jmaat (semalam) even ak terponteng…ye xmarah…ye just suh ak datang mggu dpan…hehe..mmg best sngat2…

Sebab kedua….

1st2 day da buat keje….

Part nie ak mmg ske….sbb xde r bosn duk sje…haha…ak rse bruntung gak la…sbb sngat2 xbosan jd nyer ble ad keje yg ptut d buat…haha…kwan2 ak buat keje gak…p keje ngadap computer je….haha…ak da men kotor da…..mmg best sngat2…..haha

Sebab ketiga….

Xperlu nk punch card…..hehe

Nie pn salah 1 ag sebab best….sbb bleh datang ikut suka2 aty n blik pn ikut suka2 aty…siap tyme2 tngah wat keje bleh p minum air kat kedai or blik bilik lepak….haha

Sebab keempat…..

Ad kwan baru yg ak knal…hehe

Ak da stat knal dak auto yg selama nie ak langsung xknal…just cam muka je….mle2 ingt diorg sombong or something like that….p rupe2 nyer diorang x cam 2..peramah gle..haha…

Kesimpulan nyer…ak rse LI ak nie akn jd makin best xlame lagi…haha..

siLa LA klIk kaLu SukA